@article{oai:kyukan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000109, author = {永崎, 孝之 and 濱田, 輝一 and 五嶋, 佳子 and 森下, 志子 and 岡田, 裕隆 and 山本, 広伸 and 福留, 英明 and 甲斐, 悟 and 高橋, 精一郎}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州看護福祉大学紀要, The Journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006627975, 本研究の目的は、吹矢を用いた呼吸練習が呼吸機能に及ぼす影響を検討し、呼吸理学療法への応用を探ることである。対象者12名(男性7名、女性5名)を無作為に吹矢群6名、対照群6名に分けた。吹矢群には、5m離れた的へ10本の矢を吹かせた。これを1日1回、週5回、2週間実施した。対照群には何も行なわなかった。スパイロメーターを用い、吹矢実施前と実施後の2回(対照群も吹矢群と同時期の2回)、肺活量、一秒率、ピークフローを測定し比較した。結果、(1)肺活量、一秒率は、両群とも前後に差はなく、2群間にも有意差は認められなかった。(2)ピークフローについては吹矢群の実施後が実施前に比べて有意に高く(P<0.05)、2群間の比較では吹矢群が有意に高かった(P<0.01)。以上の結果は吹矢がピークフローの改善に有用である可能性を示唆し、呼吸理学療法の治療応用が期待できることを示した。, The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of blowgun training on respiratory functions, and to discuss its applicability as a technique in pulmonary physical therapy. Twelve healthy subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: blowgun group (n=6, 4 men, 2 women) and control group (n=6, 3 men, 3 women). Blowgun training was that the subjects were to blow an arrow on a target on the wall 5 m away 10 times a day, 5 times a week, and at least over a 2-week period. No training was assigned in the control group. Respiratory functions including vital capacity (VC), percentage of forced expiratory volume in the one second (FEV1.0%) and peak expiratory flow (PEF) were measured by spirometer before and after trials. In the results, the values of PEF were changed between pre- and post-trial in the blowgun group (P<0.05), and between the blowgun group and the control group after the training (P<0.01). The values of PEF were unchanged in the control group between initial and second trials. The values of both VC and FEV1.0% showed no significance between pre- and post-trials. The present study suggested that blowgun training improves the value of peak expiratory flow, and can be applied in pulmonary physical therapy.}, pages = {3--6}, title = {吹き矢が呼吸機能に及ぼす影響 : 呼吸理学療法への応用に向けて}, volume = {9}, year = {2007} }