@article{oai:kyukan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000116, author = {西, 勝英}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州看護福祉大学紀要, The Journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {110006243653, 高齢化社会を迎え、高齢者医療には様々な問題が発生している。本総説では、特に便失禁の問題を取り上げ、直腸・肛門の構造と神経支配、排便の仕組み、便失禁と静止肛門圧との関係、便失禁患者における外肛門括約筋強化訓練、動物を用いた直腸・肛門機能検査(肛門内圧測定法、摘出内肛門括約筋および直腸平滑筋条片の弛緩・収縮に対する薬物の作用検討)の概略について解説を行った。肛門静止圧が低い便失禁患者で「バイオフィードバック」訓練を行い、外肛門括約筋の筋力を増強すると便失禁症状の改善が認められる。実験動物を用いた直腸・肛門機能検査法は今後、便失禁治療薬の開発にモデル実験系を提供できるものであり、有用性が高い。, This review deals with anatomical features of the anorectum, mechanisms of defecation, relationship between fecal incontinence and the resting tension of the anorectum in patients, bio-feed-back training of the external anal sphincter of patients with fecal incontinence, and experimental testing methods for evaluating the ano-rectal function with manometory measurements of the anal canal pressure, and measurements of tension development of the anal and rectal strips excised from experimental animals. Bio-feedback training of the external anal sphincter in patients with fecal incontinent improved significantly the symptom. The experimental methods presented provide a new approach for evaluating novel drugs for future clinical settings in treatment of fecal incontinence.}, pages = {11--21}, title = {排便機能障害改善へ向けてのアプローチ : 知られていない高齢者の悩み}, volume = {8}, year = {2006} }