@article{oai:kyukan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000205, author = {二宮, 球美 and 山邉, 素子}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州看護福祉大学紀要, The Journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {110000035481, 小児医療を取り巻く社会は小児病棟の閉鎖や成人病棟との混合病棟など非常に厳しい状況の中で、小児看護も患児の疾患の重症化、複雑化、さらに高度な看護を要求されている。社会の要請する専門性のある小児看護師を育成するためにも看護大学における教育の役割は大きい。学生が臨地実習の場で患児や家族のニードを満たすための安全・安楽・安心を提供する基礎的な看護技術の実践は必要不可欠である。今回は学生の臨地実習での看護実践能力の向上を目標に事例を利用した演習方法を創出したので、その結果を報告し、小児看護技術教育法に関しての今後の展望を述べる。, The extent of chronic and deperiorate illness with complications, in contemporary Society is also highlighted, together with the need for nursing to become more skins in child health care. This report suggested how effective clinical nursing teaching was and analyzed the reasons for teacher's teaching performance. Simulation of problem-based learning was realistic, fun and interesting for students. The dynamic features of simulations were judged to be most useful. Training with simulation was regarded as the currcular integration of simulations decisive in determining their contribution to learning in nursing education.}, pages = {267--276}, title = {小児看護演習教授法モデルの開発}, volume = {5}, year = {2003} }