@article{oai:kyukan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000292, author = {高, 継芬}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州看護福祉大学紀要, The Journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {110000082315, Old sociology is the book that synthetically considered about Chinese aged person problem. I do an abridged translation of a portion about the life actual situation of the aged person and would like to be available as research date of an aged person welfare This paper aims to contribute for China to build their welfare system for the elderly, which population is rapidly increasing old people real state of their lives and raising problematic points in their living}, pages = {287--293}, title = {中国高齢者の生活実態 : 滄萍ほか編『社会老年学』抄訳}, volume = {4}, year = {2002} }