@article{oai:kyukan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000423, author = {伊東, 香織 and 柴田, 恵子}, issue = {1}, journal = {九州看護福祉大学紀要, The Journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare}, month = {Mar}, note = {[目的]看護基礎教育における批判的思考習得の研究動向を文献調査により明らかにする。 [方法]医中誌web、最新看護索引web、メディカルオンラインを用いて、「批判的思考」「クリティカルシンキング」「看護基礎教育」をキーワードとして検索して文献を抽出し、発表時期、研究の対象となった学年、授業形態、学習活動に分類した。 [結果]16件の文献を抽出した。2012年以降研究の実施数が増加傾向にあった。研究の対象となった学年と授業形態の関係では、講義(3件)はいずれも1年生を対象とし、演習(5件)のうち4件は2年生を対象、臨地実習(2件)は3年生と4年生を対象としていた。学習形態は、グループ学習を用いた学習活動が11件で、講義・演習では授業後の「客観的で冷静な判断」「誠実さと他者を尊重する態度」「問題解決のスキル」「グループ討議のスキル」「論理的思考への自信」の得点が有意に高く、臨地実習ではクリティカルシンキングを使用する状況として「意見交換」「内省」が報告されていた。 [考察]看護実践における批判的思考力の獲得については、学年進行と授業形態を関連づける傾向が示唆された。批判的思考を習得する学習活動において、講義、演習、実習のいずれの授業形態でも批判的思考力の獲得に有効であると示唆されたのはグループ学習であった。 [Purpose] This study reviewed research trends related to critical thinking in basic nursing education through a literature survey. [Methods] Articles were collected from the Ichushi-Web, the Latest Nursing Index Web, and the Medical* Online. The search terms “hihanteki shiko,” “critical thinking,” and “basic nursing education” were used. Articles were then classified by year of publication, nursing student year, lesson style, and learning activities. [Results] Sixteen articles were extracted, and a relationship was found between nursing student year and lesson style. Three articles focused on the lecture lesson style for first-year students. Of the five articles using classroom training, four of them focused on second-year students. Two articles utilizing nursing clinical practice focused on third and fourth-year students. Eleven articles addressed learning activities using group learning. For lectures and classroom training, it was reported that scores of “objective and calm decision-making,”“the students’ attitudes to respect honesty toward others and attitudes that the students’ should respect others,” “problem-solving skills,” “group discussion skills,” and “confidence in logical thinking” were statistically significant. In terms of nursing clinical practice, “exchange of opinions” and “reflection” were used to promote critical thinking. [Discussion] These findings suggest an association between advancement of school year and lesson style for the acquisition of critical thinking skills in nursing practice. Furthermore, findings suggest that group learning is an effective lesson style for promoting these skills across different methods of teaching, including lecture, classroom training, and nursing clinical practice.}, pages = {53--61}, title = {看護基礎教育における批判的思考の研究動向}, volume = {22}, year = {2022} }